#7Sc, #7Sd, #7Se, #7Sf, #7Sn

These fields always appear in their own, discrete record, and none of them is repeatable.

The dynasty records are a little more elaborate than the siku authority records, as there is more to define. The two-digit code is enterered into #7Sc, the name of the dynasty into #7Sd, and the dates into #7Se.

The name of the succeeding dynasty goes into #7Sf, and any notes into #7Sn, although this last field has not been used to date (22 April 2016).


#7Sc 15
#7Sd 秦
#7Se 221-206 B.C.
#7Sf 漢

#7Sc 27
#7Sd 晉 -- 五朝十六國 -- 前涼
#7Se 301-376
#7Sf 前秦

To keep the entries for these dynasty authority records apart in the index, the program prefixes them with a plus sign:

 1  +49 南北朝 -- 北朝 -- 後魏
 1  +50 南北朝 -- 北朝 -- 後魏 -- 北魏
 1  +51 南北朝 -- 北朝 -- 後魏 -- 東魏
 1  +52 南北朝 -- 北朝 -- 後魏 -- 西魏
 1  +53 南北朝 -- 北朝 -- 北齊
 1  +55 南北朝 -- 北朝 -- 北周
 1  +56 隋
 1  +57 唐
 1  +58 五代十國
 1  +59 五代十國 -- 五代
 1  +60 五代十國 -- 五代 -- 後梁
 1  +61 五代十國 -- 五代 -- 後唐