
Series titles are entered in the same way as main titles, entering romanisation into subfield |9:


#500 重慶地方史叢書|9chong qing di fang shi cong shu
#500 文學叢刊|9wen xue cong kan

Numbering is entered into subfield |n:

#500 文史叢刊|n3|9wen shi cong kan
#500 國立台灣大學法學叢書|n107|9guo li tai wan da xue fa xue cong shu
#500 人人文庫|n特538|9ren ren wen ku

It is important not to confuse numbering with the main sections into which a series may be divided. These are expressed using the same ISBD conventions as the title field #200, and there may also be parallel titles:

#500 中國文學參考資料小叢書. 第二輯|n8|9zhong guo wen xue can kao zi liao xiao cong shu. di 2 ji
#500 香港中文大學中國文化研究所先秦兩漢古籍逐字索引叢刊. 子部 = ^The^ ICS ancient Chinese texts concordance series. Philosophical works|n42|9xiang gang zhong wen da xue zhong guo wen hua yan jiu suo xian qin liang han gu ji zhu zi suo yin cong kan. zi bu

Sometimes, there may be some doubt as to whether a term refers to a part of the series, or to an individual work within it, especially when the individual works are not numbered:

#500 中國文化史叢書. 第1輯|9zhong guo wen hua shi cong shu. di 1 ji

Confusingly, what may appear to be the name of a section of the series often turns out to be part of the series title itself. In these cases, no punctuation should be introduced:

#500 新編諸子集成第一輯|9xin bian zhu zi ji cheng di yi ji
#500 古逸叢書三編|n14|9gu yi cong shu san bian

If the series has a statement of responsibility and it is considered that this is worth mentioning, it can be entered into subfield |s:

#500 中國近代史叢書|s陳旭麓主編|9zhong guo jin dai shi cong shu
#500 長白叢書研究系列|n11|s李澍田主編|9chang bai cong shu yan jiu xi lie
#500 婦女研究叢書 = Women's studies|s李小江主編|9fu nu yan jiu cong shu

Enter the ISSN of the series into subfield |i:

#500 亞洲研究中心書目索引 = Centre of Asian Studies bibliographies and research guides|n13|i0441-1900|9ya zhou yan jiu zhong xin shu mu suo yin