#409, #440*, #446*

Field #409 contains a traditional edition statement, which is expressed as a single sentence in classical Chinese. It it is used in place of fields #410, #420, and #430, which cannot be used in the same record.


#409 清刊本
#409 清同治庚午[1870]蘇廷魁等刊本
#409 日本昭和十六年[1941]東京靜嘉堂文庫影印元刊本
#409 明萬曆三十一年[1603]東吳俞氏刊本
#409 清宣統庚戌[1910]陸軍部刷印處石印本

Sometimes, these statements can be very long:

#409 民國七年[1918]二集十四年[1925]三集三十年[1941]武進董康誦芬室刊1980年北京市中國書店重印本

Printers and publishers or keepers of blocks mentioned in field #409 are indexed from field #440, which may be repeated. The place and date, if known, are entered into subfields |p, and |d respectively; subfield |9 is used for the romanisation of the printer or publisher, not the place.

#409 清光緒二十八年[1902]廣州古經閣刊本
#440 古經閣|p廣州|d1902|9gu jing ge

#409 清道光三年[1823]刊本上苑堂藏板
#440 上苑堂|d1823|9shang yuan tang

#409 明崇禎十二年[1639]序永懷堂刊清同治八年[1869]浙江書局重校修印本
#440 永懷堂|d1639|9yong huai tang
#440a浙江書局|d1869|9zhen jiang shu ju

Titles of books (usually collectanea) mentioned in field #409 are indexed from field #446; the date of the book (if known) is entered into subfield |d:

#409 清光緒二十二年[1896]長沙重刊「惜陰軒叢書」本
#446 惜陰軒叢書|d1896|9xi yin xuan cong shu

#409 民國壬戌[1922]南林劉氏求恕齋刊「求恕齋叢書」本
#446 求恕齋叢書|d1922|9qiu shu zhai cong shu