
Title, using ISBD puctuation. Romanisation is entered in subfield |9.


#200 三國演義新論|9san guo yan yi xin lun
#200 戰國策 ^十卷^|9zhan guo ce
#200 日本學研究. 2|9ri ben xue yan jiu. 2
#200 中國青銅器全集. 13, 巴蜀|9zhong guo qing tong qi quan ji. 13, bashu
#200 中國民族音樂大系. 民族器樂卷|9zhong guo min zu yin yue da xi. min zu qi yue juan
#200 拉漢詞典 = Dictionarium latino-sinicum|9la han ci dian

When a numbered and named part itself has numbered and named parts, the structure may become very complicated:

#200 中國植物志. 第40卷, 被子植物門. 雙子葉植物綱. 豆科. 2, 蝶形花亞科. 1, 槐族~木藍族 = Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. Tomus 40, Angiospermae. Dicotyledoneae. Leguminosae. 2, Papilionoideae. 1, Sophoreae - Indigofereae|9zhong guo zhi wu zhi. di 40 juan, bei zi zhi wu men. shuang zi ye zhi wu gang. dou ke. 2, die xing hua ya ke. 1, huai zu mu lan zu

Unless the work is to be treated as a collectaneum (with main records and analytics), multiple titles by the same author are placed in repetions of #200.


#200 醫醫小草|9yi yi xiao cao
#200a游藝誌略|9you yi zhi lue
#290 (清)寶輝撰

ISBD: 醫醫小草 ; 游藝誌略 / (清)寶輝撰

To date (7 January 2016) the greatest number of repetitions of field #200 is eight, as in the following record:

#200 誠齋江湖集鈔 ^一卷^|9cheng zhai jiang hu ji chao
#200a荊溪集鈔 ^一卷^|9jing xi ji chao
#200b西歸集鈔 ^一卷^|9xi gui ji chao
#200c南海集鈔 ^一卷^|9nan hai ji chao
#200d朝天集鈔 ^一卷^|9chao tian ji chao
#200e江西道院集鈔 ^一卷^|9jiang xi dao yuan ji chao
#200f朝天續集鈔 ^一卷^|9chao tian xu ji chao
#200g江東集鈔 ^一卷^|9jiang dong ji chao
#200h退休集鈔 ^一卷^|9tui xiu ji chao

ISBD: 誠齋江湖集鈔 一卷 ; 荊溪集鈔 一卷 ; 西歸集鈔 一卷 ; 南海集鈔 一卷 ; 朝天集鈔 一卷 ; 江西道院集鈔 一卷 ; 朝天續集鈔 一卷 ; 江東集鈔 一卷 ; 退休集鈔 一卷 / (宋)楊萬里撰

Of the 171,248 titles currently in the database (7 January 2016), the use of repeated #200 fields is as follows: #200a, 2298 (that is, records with no further repetions of the field, as all records with #200b will also contain #200a); #200b, 518; #200c, 155; #200d, 40; #200e, 21; #200f, 12; #200g, 2; #200h, 4.

The structure of records with multiple titles by different authors is explained under field #201&c