
If an analytic work is part of a collectaneum divided into sections which fall short of being titles in their own right (and thus meriting their own analytic title entry), the name or number of the section in which it appears is entered into this field.


#0rx dh009+69
#0rz 三集
#200 上成親王書 ^一卷^|9shang cheng qin wang shu
#290 (清)洪亮吉撰

This work appears in the third section of the collectaneum 聽秋聲館鈔書, and generates the following record display:

書名: 上成親王書 一卷 / (清)洪亮吉撰
收於: 下列叢書三集:
聽秋聲館鈔書 / (清)丁紹儀編

Without the field, the analytic would be displayed in the normal way, as follows:

書名: 上成親王書 一卷 / (清)洪亮吉撰
收於: 聽秋聲館鈔書 / (清)丁紹儀編